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Zen Terms
1. Gongan (Jpn. Koan) and Huatou
The Zen stories and doubting questions we use for Zen meditation (5:22)
2. Zen Gimmicks
Weird teachings from Zen Masters (1:42)
3. Enlightenment
Uncovering the wisdom or truth of your self-nature from the advanced meditative levels (2:46)
4. Truth
The truth of your self-nature (2:32)
5. The One-Pointedness Level
A meditative level to achieve in the "beginning" stage of Zen training (10:30)
6. Sramana
A truth seeker (3:12)
7. The Arising-Ceasing Mind
The concept of duality (3:05)
8. Samadhi
Stillness or continuous concentration in deep meditative levels (1:46)
9. Move a Chess Piece above the Chessboard
Guiding practitioners to pull out from duality (4:28)
10. Door to Liberation
Through uncovering the nature of self to liberate from the suffering of life (3:59)
11. Three Yanas of Buddhism
Three major traditions in Buddhism (4:04)
12. Worldly Concerns
The way we abide by in our day-to-day life (2:28)
Weird teachings from Zen Masters
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